时间:2014-08-14 09:26:46来源:巴友作者:lj11574热度:791次
Equip on Follower:Gain access to all skills.
Equip on Follower:Your follower cannot die.
在 5 秒内没有受到伤害可使能量消耗降低 30%
Your resource costsare reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.
被不死怪物击中时有 (15-20)% 的机率魅惑该敌人 2 秒
(15-20)% chance onbeing hit by an Undead enemy to charm it for 2 seconds.
Threatening Shouthas a chance to Charm enemies and cause them to join your side.
击中敌人时有一定机率喷溅毒水,对 10 码内的敌人造成 (100-130)% 武器伤害值的毒素伤害
Chance on hit torelease a Poison Nova that deals (100-130)% weapon damage as Poison to enemieswithin 10 yards.
回天气诀的冷却时间缩短 (38-50)%
Reduce the cooldownof Breath of Heaven by (38-50)%.
对敌人造成伤害时有一定机率移除技能的精气消耗,持续 (2-4) 秒
Damaging enemieshas a chance to grant you an effect that removes the Spirit cost of yourabilities for (2-4) seconds.
施展炫目神光会恢复 (75-100) 点精气
Using BlindingFlash restores (75-100) Spirit.
Wave of Light isnow cast at your enemy.
云龙摆尾会施放出可穿透敌人的火球,对命中地点 10 码内的敌人造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害值的火焰伤害
Lashing Tail Kickreleases a piercing fireball that deals (300-400)% weapon damage as Fire toenemies within 10 yards on impact.
八相阵可使每秒精气凝聚提高 (10-15) 点
Inner Sanctuaryincreases Spirit Regeneration per second by (10-15).
宠物造成的伤害提高 (75-100)%
Pets deal (75-100)%more damage.
Your Fetishes shoota Poison Dart every time you do.
在你杀死 2 个精英怪后召唤鬼娃大军
Summon a FetishArmy after you kill 2 Elites.
Locust Swarm andHaunt now deal their damage in half of the normal duration.
攻击时有机会召唤出恐怖的分体 (20%)
Chance to summonhorrific Mimics when attacking. (20%)
惧灵会对附近的敌人造成恐惧和定身效果,持续 (6-8) 秒
Horrify causes youto Fear and Root enemies around you for (6-8) seconds.
秘能低于 30% 时会施放闪电新星,每秒造成 (130-175)% 武器伤害值的电击伤害
While your ArcanePower is below 30%, you emit a Lightning Nova that deals (130-175)% weapondamage as Lightning every second.
Frost Hydra nowperiodically casts Frost Nova.
Double the numberof enemies your Electrocute jumps to.
Your Mirror Imageshave a chance to multiply when killed by enemies.
攻击时有 (20-40)% 机率施放火球(20-40)%
chance tocast a fiery ball when attacking.
生命值低于 35% 时会自动施展钻石之肤。此效果每 (15-20) 秒可触发一次
Automatically castDiamond Skin when you fall below 35% Life. This effect may occur once every (15-20)seconds.