


时间:2015-07-13 15:34:45来源:pujia作者:lemberry热度:26


► Are you sure?

► Go out and meet them.

► It's okay. I'm here.

► Do you feel okay?

► Lay it on me.

► Go out and meet them.

► "Something worse"?

► Breathable air, though.

► Step back from there.

► What happened?

► Are you certain?

► Do not get close.

► Are all your rats there?

► What are the rats doing?

► What is it?

► Can you override it?

► Can you warn the ship?

► Must be what happened.

► Hard to say.

► How close are your visitors?

► Keep working on the computers.

► Keep at it, just in case.

► That's a lot of hope.

► What is it?

► You need to back away.

► What?!

► Calm down. Just breathe.

► You HAVE to keep breathing.

► Get out of there.

► Make a break for it.

► Wildboy? Your dead rat?

► It's an alien?

► You need to run.

► Try to capture it.

► What does it say?

► Excellent news!

► You're reappearing quickly.

► Only a few seconds.

► What is?

► Are they out of food?

► No freaking out. Just breathe.

► Try for a casual pose.

► Take it down a notch.

► How do you mean?

► You have to describe it.

► What's it doing now?

► Must be an illusion.

► What are the other rats doing?

► What is it?

► Are they threatening you?

► Please tell me what's going on.

► Tell me what you see!

► Feeling pretty homesick?

► That cannot be possible. (SO MUCH DRAMA)

► What is happening?

► You have to get away.

► Those are not still your friends.

► Okay. Sure. Stay calm.

► No! Fight it! (If he'll submit, there'll be hentai ending.)

► Can you find an exit?

► What happened?

► You've GOT to fight!

► There must be a solution.

► Must be SOMETHING to compute.

► What's "it"? Random bashing?

► Can you really reprogram it?

► Obviously, I wish you luck.

► What just went on?

► Guard the computer.

► What does it mean?

► "Except" what?

► You gotta get there first.

► Try it and see.

► You should get back up.

► What is the problem?

► Run for the rescue ship.

► Do NOT give up right now!

► Dying right now is selfish.

► You have to warn others.

► You are welcome.

► You're gonna make it!

► Ignore their eyes.

► What happened?

[connection terminated]







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