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时间:2016-06-13 11:09:03 来源:3DM 作者:琉璃一世自独白 热度: 2542




GER = "countries/Germany.txt"

ENG = "countries/United Kingdom.txt"

ZHG = "countries/ZHG.txt" 添加

SOV = "countries/Soviet Union.txt"

SWE = "countries/Sweden.txt"

FRA = "countries/France.txt"

LUX = "countries/Luxemburg.txt"

BEL = "countries/Belgium.txt"

HOL = "countries/Holland.txt"

CZE = "countries/Czechoslovakia.txt"

POL = "countries/Poland.txt"

AUS = "countries/Austria.txt"

LIT = "countries/Lithuania.txt"

EST = "countries/Estonia.txt"

LAT = "countries/Latvia.txt"

SPR = "countries/Spain.txt"

ITA = "countries/Italy.txt"

ROM = "countries/Romania.txt"


gfx/flags/直接复制好了 当然自己会改也行 两个子文件里也要添加medium 和small


history/states下 是省份文件

1-France 文本为例子



name="STATE_1" # Corsica

manpower = 322900

state_category = town


owner = FRA 控制 国家

victory_points = { 3838 1 }

buildings = {

infrastructure = 4

industrial_complex = 1

air_base = 1

3838 = {

naval_base = 3



add_core_of = FRA 国家核心



3838 9851 11804




理念common/ideas/下 china文本为例子 复制 改名 打开

ideas = {

country = {

german_advisors = {

allowed = {

always = no


allowed_civil_war = {

NOT = {

has_government = communism



removal_cost = -1

research_bonus = {

land_doctrine = 0.07



CHI_civil_war_deserters = {

picture = generic_morale_bonus

allowed = {

always = no


allowed_civil_war = {

NOT = {

OR = {

has_government = communism

has_government = fascism




removal_cost = -1

modifier = {

army_morale_factor = -0.2



# Communist uprisings may cause states to defect to PRC

CHI_communist_uprisings = {

picture = FRA_scw_intervention_republicans_focus

allowed = {

always = no


allowed_civil_war = {

NOT = {

has_government = communism



removal_cost = -1

modifier = {




political_advisor = {

CHI_xie_juezai = {

picture = generic_political_advisor_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI 改为 original_tag = ZHG


traits = { silent_workhorse }


CHI_deng_xiaoping = {

picture = generic_political_advisor_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { captain_of_industry }


CHI_chen_yi = {

picture = generic_political_advisor_asia_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { compassionate_gentleman }



army_chief = {


CHI_zhu_de = {

picture = generic_army_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_chief_offensive_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




CHI_chen_jitang = {

picture = generic_army_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_chief_organizational_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




CHI_li_zongren = {

picture = generic_army_asia_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_chief_defensive_3 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1



CHI_he_yingqin = {

picture = generic_army_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_chief_maneuver_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




air_chief = {


#Fang Zeyi



CHI_wang_shuming = {

picture = generic_air_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { air_chief_ground_support_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




CHI_zhou_zhirou = {

picture = generic_air_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { air_chief_old_guard }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




navy_chief = {


CHI_xiao_jinguang = {

picture = generic_navy_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




CHI_bai_chongxi = {

picture = generic_navy_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { navy_chief_reform_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




CHI_chen_shaokuan = {

picture = generic_navy_asia_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { navy_chief_decisive_battle_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1





naval_manufacturer = {

designer = yes

jiangnan_shipyard_group = {

picture = generic_naval_manufacturer_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


research_bonus = {

naval_equipment = 0.10


# riverine warfare weak on open waters

traits = { naval_manufacturer }



aircraft_manufacturer = { #

designer = yes

camco = {

picture = generic_air_manufacturer_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


research_bonus = {

air_equipment = 0.10


traits = { medium_aircraft_manufacturer }

# assembled hawk II and hawk III fighter bombers as well as the Vultee V-11 ground attackers

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




theorist = {

CHI_bo_yibo = {

picture = generic_army_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


research_bonus = {

land_doctrine = 0.07


traits = { military_theorist }


CHI_fang_zeyi = {

picture = generic_air_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


research_bonus = {

air_doctrine = 0.07


traits = { air_warfare_theorist }


CHI_huang_shen = {

picture = generic_navy_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


research_bonus = {

naval_doctrine = 0.07


traits = { naval_theorist }



high_command = {

CHI_gao_zhihang = {

picture = generic_air_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { air_air_superiority_3 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1



CHI_xiao_yisu = {

picture = generic_army_asia_2

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_infantry_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1



CHI_chen_cheng = {

picture = generic_army_asia_3

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_regrouping_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1



CHI_yu_hanmou = {

picture = generic_army_asia_1

allowed = {

original_tag = CHI


traits = { army_logistics_2 }

ai_will_do = {

factor = 1




这里包含内阁 国家精神 一会再说新建国家精神 新建内阁 你以为内阁就是换个人名 你错了 是各种BUFF


该兵模 哇哈哈

gfx/entities/ 下 夷步兵文本为例子 units_infantry跟 infantry

units_infantr 打开 如果用美国步兵兵模的话 打开 搜索 USA

entity = {

name = "USA_infantry_entity" 改成name = "ZHG_infantry_entity"

pdxmesh = "USA_infantry_mesh"

default_state = "idle"

state = { name = "attack" animation = "charge_rifle" animation_blend_time = 0.0 animation_speed = 1.0 looping = no next_state = "attack" chance = 2 propagate_state = { rifle2 = "idle" } }

state = { name = "attack" animation = "charge_rifle_shoot" animation_blend_time = 0.0 animation_speed = 1.0 looping = no next_state = "attack" chance = 1 }

state = { name = "defend" animation = "attack" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 }

state = { name = "support_attack" animation = "support_attack" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 }

state = { name = "move" animation = "move" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 }

state = { name = "retreat" animation = "retreat" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 }

state = { name = "death" animation = "death" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 }

state = { name = "idle" animation = "idle" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 15 looping = no }

state = { name = "idle" animation = "long_idle02" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "idle" animation = "long_idle03" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no propagate_state = { lighter = "smoke" }

event = { time = 0 node="head" particle = "cigarette_smoke_particle" keep_particle = yes }


state = { name = "idle" animation = "long_idle04" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "idle" animation = "long_idle05" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "training" animation = "training" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 2 looping = no }

state = { name = "training" animation = "jumping_jacks" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "training" animation = "pushup" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "training" animation = "guard_rifle" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

state = { name = "training" animation = "aim_exercise" animation_blend_time = 0.3 animation_speed = 1.0 chance = 1 looping = no }

attach = { name = "rifle1" Right_Hand_node = "USA_infantry_weapon_rifle_right_entity" }

attach = { name = "rifle4" Root_node_2 = "USA_infantry_weapon_rifle_right_entity" }

attach = { name = "rifle2" Left_Hand_node = "USA_infantry_weapon_rifle_left_entity" }

attach = { name = "rifle3" mid_back_node = "USA_infantry_weapon_rifle_long_idle_entity" }

attach = { name = "lighter" Right_Hand_node_4 = "lighter_entity" }

attach = { name = "cigarette1" Right_Hand_node_2 = "cigarette_entity" }

attach = { name = "cigarette_package1" Right_Hand_node_3 = "cigarette_package_entity" }

attach = { name = "cigarette_package2" Left_Hand_node_2 = "cigarette_package_entity" }

attach = { name = "cigarette2" Root_node_1 = "cigarette_entity" }

scale = 0.8


都这样改 关于 飞机什么的同理 直接百度飞机 英文翻译 找对应文本修改

gfx/leaders 是将领 图像


common/names/00_names文本 打开搜索CHI

然后CHI = {

male = {

names = { Wang Li Zhang Liu Chen Huang Liang Luo Kwong Hsia Zhu Mao Hu Liao Tan Deng Cheng Yang Gao Xie Ma Kong Dong Pan Yu }


female = {

names = { }


surnames = { Zhao Wu Sun Ma Hu Peng Dong Ye Lü Tian Jiang Wei Ting Shen Fang Jin Qiu }

callsigns = { }


ZHG = {

male = {

names = { Wang Li Zhang Liu Chen Huang Liang Luo Kwong Hsia Zhu Mao Hu Liao Tan Deng Cheng Yang Gao Xie Ma Kong Dong Pan Yu }


female = {

names = { }


surnames = { Zhao Wu Sun Ma Hu Peng Dong Ye Lü Tian Jiang Wei Ting Shen Fang Jin Qiu }

callsigns = { }

} 用UE 打开 不然容易出错 这里是随机将领的名称



common/national_focus/下的 N个文本 以德国为例子

复制germany 改名中国 打开

country = {

factor = 0

modifier = {

add = 10

tag = GER 改成 ZHG



其实 依葫芦画瓢 就可以新建了 应该 当然懒人直接复制算了 这个就不说了懂他太麻烦了 我懒得弄所以没测试所以不说 等以后想弄了 在说或者等别的大神






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