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时间:2015-05-25 15:55:34来源:3dm作者:zdwyu热度:23






sundering strikes 破甲攻击:effectiveness vs.armor is increased by +20% for any weapon used.所有武器对护甲伤害+20%

crusher 粉碎者:put full force in your every blow !shield damage is increased by +50% when using the Split Shield skill.使用【裂盾】技能时+50%对盾的伤害。

bloody harvest 血腥收割:gain +10% chance to hit for all area of effect attacks.+10%命中率对所有的范围攻击。

executioner 行刑者: on targets below 50% hitpoints,inflict an additional +20% damage to hitpoints.对低于50%生命值的目标,对生命值造成额外+20%的伤害。

push the advantage 扩大优势:gain both +20% chance to hit and +20% chance to hit the head against targets that are stunned.对被晕眩的目标+20%命中率和+20%对头部命中率。

fast adaption 快速适应:gain +15% chance to hit after missing an opponent once.bonus is reset upon landing a hit.对一个敌人一次丢失后提升15%命中率,击中后回复正常。


berserk 狂暴: once per turn,upon killing an enemy,4 Action Points are immediately regained. characters can not regain more than their maximum Action Points and no more than 4 for a single attack.每回合,当杀死一个敌人,立即回复4点行动点。角色不能获得超过最大值的行动点,每次攻击也不能获得超过4点。

head hunter 猎头者:gain +10% chance to hit the head for critical damage each time you hit the body. bonus is reset upon hitting the head.每次你击中身体都将提升10%的几率对头部造成暴击。击中头部后加成重置。

full force 全身重量:gain +10% of your current body armor as additional maximum damage when attacking with melee weapons.当使用近战武器时,获得当前身体护甲10%的(?)额外提升最大伤害。

debilitate 削弱:unlocks the 'Debilitate' skill which can prime your next attack to cripple a target for one turn,reducing their ability to inflict damage by -50%.解锁【削弱】技能,你的下次攻击可以致残目标一回合。降低他们50%伤害。

bullseye 靶心:the penalty to hitchance when shooting at a target that is blocked is reduced to half for ranged weapons.当被阻隔时,远程武器的命中率惩罚-50%

close combat archer 近战弓手:if you can see the white in your enemy's eyes,aim for it! damage is increased by +50% when using a ranged weapon against a target 2 or less tiles away.使用远程武器时目标距离不超过2格,伤害+50%。


killing frenzy 杀戮狂潮:A kill increases all damage by +50% for 2 turns. does not stack,but another kill will reset the timer.一次击杀提升所有伤害50%,持续2轮。不叠加,但下一次击杀将重置持续时间。

perfect focus 完全集中:unlocks the 'Perfect Focus' skill which allows for an unlimited number of other skill uses for single turn until the character is exhausted.解锁【完全集中】技能,在一回合内可以无限使用其他技能,直到精疲力尽。



colossus 巨人:bring it on! hitpoint are increased by + 25%.生命值+25%

shield expert 盾牌专家: fighting with a shield is as much an art as fighting with any weapon.the shield defense bonus is increased by +25%.this also applies to the amplified shield bonus from the Shieldwall skill.盾牌的防御加成提升+25%,这也适用于【盾墙】技能的加成。

deflect 偏转:shield damage received is reduced by -50% to a minimum of 1.盾牌受到的伤害-50%,最少到1点

battle forged 战争锻造:armor damage taken is reduced by -20%.护甲受的伤害-20%

dodge 躲闪:gain 15% of the character's initiative as a bonus to melee and ranged defense until first hit in combat.获得角色主动性的15%增加到近战与远程防御上,直到在战斗中第一次命中。

hold out 挺住:no longer suffer from combat penalties when at Wavering,Breaking or Fleeing morale states,and gain double the bonus at Confident morale. the character can still flee from combat.不再受到【动摇】【崩溃】【逃跑】等负面士气的惩罚,并获得【充满信心】士气的双倍奖励。此角色仍然可以从战斗中逃离。


fortified mind 精神强化:an iron will is not swayed from the true path easily. gain immunity against mental attacks that inflict panic,fear or mind control.免疫造成恐慌,害怕和心灵控制的精神攻击。

nine lives 猫:upon receiving a killing blow,survive instead with a few hitpoints left once per battle.在每场战斗中有一次机会受到致死攻击而幸存下来,剩一点点生命。

nimble 敏捷:with the offhand free,gain +100% Melee Defense. does not work with two-handed weapons.副手空着时,+100%近战防御。对双手武器无效。

anticipation 预判:when attacked with ranged weapons,gain +3 to ranged defense per tile that the attacker is away.当被远程武器攻击时,距攻击者每格增加+3点远程防御。

steel brow 钢脑门:hits to the head no longer cause critical damage.被击中头部不再受到暴击伤害。

rotation 轮转:unlocks the 'Rotation' skill which allows two characters to switch places while ignoring Zone of Control as long as neither character is stunned,rooted or otherwise disabled.解锁【轮转】技能,让两个角色无视区域控制切换位置,只要角色没有晕眩,生根等无力状态。


indomitable 不屈:unlocks the 'Indomitable' skill which grants massive damage reduction and immunity to being stunned,knocked back or grabbed for a limited time.解锁【不屈】技能,可以在有限时间内大幅减伤并免疫击晕,击煺和抓擒。

return favor 回礼:unlocks the 'Return Favor' skill which when active has a 50% chance to stun any opponent missing a melee attack against this character in retaliation. immunities and resistances against being stunned still apply.解锁【回礼】技能,当技能激活时,对方近战攻击未命中后反击有50%击晕对方。晕眩免疫和抵抗任然有效。



bags and belts 包包和皮带:unlock two extra bag slots and no longer gain a fatigue penalty from items placed in any bag slot.解锁两个额外的袋子,并且放在口袋里的道具不再受到疲劳惩罚。

taunt 嘲讽:unlocks the 'taunt' skill which increases the chance for opponents to take offensive actions instead of defensive ones,and to attack this character over another,potentially more vulnerable one.the higher this character's resolve,the more effective the taunting is.解锁【嘲讽】技能,增加对手采取进攻而非防御行为的机会,并且攻击这个角色而离开其他可能更脆弱的家伙。‘意志’越高嘲弄效果越好。

quick hands 快手:swapping items in battle becomes a free action with no action point cost once every turn.在战斗中切换道具变成一个即时动作,不再每次消耗行动点。

student 学员:gain additional +20% experience from battle.从战斗中获得额外的+20%经验。

shield bash 盾击:the Knock Back skill now also inflicts 10-25 damage(50% effective against armor) and 10 fatigue in addition to normal effect.现在【击煺】技能除了通常效果外还造成10-25点伤害(对护甲50%)消耗10点疲劳。

pathfinder 探路者:Action Point costs for movement on all terrain is reduced by -1 to a minimum of 2 Action Points per tile.changing height levels has no additional Action Point cost anymore.所有地形移动的行动点消耗-1,最少每格要消耗2点。改变高度落差时不再消耗额外的行动点。



《英雄联盟手游》2.3版本更新 伊瑞莉雅、雷玟、姗娜参战











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