时间:2014-12-02 16:31:10 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:sola 热度: 14 次
Call of Duty® Black Ops: Declassified白1 金4 银11 铜18 总34 |
No More Worlds to Conquer (无处征服)Earn all available Trophies for Call of Duty® Black Ops: Declassified.获得使命召唤 黑色行动 解密的全部奖杯
Can't Beat Fresh Meat (不能打鲜肉)Start Operations mode on any difficulty.以任意难度开始行动模式
Bang for Your Buck (划得来的爆炸) 1 TipsKill 4 enemies with a single grenade in any Operation.在任何行动中用一颗手榴弹炸死4个敌人
Cut and Run (切带跑)Melee 5 enemies in a row in any Operation.在任何行动中用刀连续杀死5人
Headbanger (爆头哥)Perform 10 head shots in a row in any Operation.在任意行动中连续达成10次爆头。
Parking Violation (违章停车)Destroy 20 total cars in Operations mode.在任何行动中累积打爆20辆汽车
A Need to Bleed (流血快感)Melee 100 total enemies in Operations mode.在任务模式中近战打倒总计100个敌人
Extreme Prejudice (极端偏见) 1 TipsKill 10 enemies in less than 5 seconds in any Operation.在任意任务中至少在5秒内杀死10个敌人
Justice Is Blind (正义是盲目的) 1 TipsKill 4 enemies who are stunned by a Flashbang Grenade in any Operation.在任意任务中杀死4个被闪光弹击中的敌人
Stick It to the Man 2 TipsKill 5 enemies by sticking Semtex to each one in any Operation.使用 “sticking Semtex”(高粘性手榴弹) 分别粘到5个人身上
Bang-up Job (出色的工作)Kill 15 enemies with RPG in ‘Three Point Landing’ Operation.在 ‘Three Point Landing’ 行动中使用RPG干掉15名敌人
Conservative Values (保守的价值观) 1 TipsComplete ‘Escort Service’ Operation without reloading.没有任何装弹动作完成‘Escort Service’ 行动
Going Ballistic (准备发射) 1 TipsKill 10 enemies with Ballistic Knife melee attack in ‘Rocket's Red Glare’ Operation.在 ‘Rocket's Red Glare’行动中使用“Ballistic”(弹簧刀)干掉10名敌人
Pure as the Driven Snow (纯洁无瑕) 1 TipsComplete ‘Rocket's Red Glare’ Operation without taking damage.无伤完成 ‘Rocket's Red Glare’ 行动
Not Afraid of the Dark (不怕黑)Complete ‘Active Measures’ Operation without using Night Vision Goggles.不使用“Night Vision”(夜视镜)完成 ‘Active Measures’ 行动
Crack Shot (神枪手) 1 TipsPerform 10 head shots with the .357 Magnum in ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation.在 ‘OPS M.I.A.’ 行动中使用“357 Magnum”(357马格南左轮)爆头10个敌人
Double Down (双杀) 3 TipsKill 8 enemies with 4 or fewer bullets in ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation.在 ‘OPS M.I.A.’ 行动中使用4颗狙击弹干掉8名敌人
Waste Not, Want Not (精打细算,不愁吃穿)Complete ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation with 100% accuracy.以100%命中的成绩完成 ‘OPS M.I.A.’ 行动
The Sky Is Mauling! (从天而降的伤害!)Kill 3 enemies with Mortar Strike in ‘Air Traffic Control’ Operation.在‘Air Traffic Control’ 行动中使用“Mortar Strike”(迫击炮攻击)干掉3名敌人
World's Best Babysitter (世界上最好的保姆)Save all Analysts in ‘Air Traffic Control’ Operation.在‘Air Traffic Control’ 行动中保护所有分析师
Delivery and Takeout (送外卖的)Plant C4 in less than 60 seconds in ‘Self Destructive’ Operation.在‘Self Destructive’ 行动中在60秒内安置C4炸弹
Doctorate in Thermodynamics (热力学博士)Kill 2 scientists with a single grenade in ‘Self Destructive’ Operation.在‘Self Destructive’ 行动中用一颗手雷杀掉两个科学家
Troglodyte (穴居人)Kill all scientists with head shots in ‘Self Destructive’ Operation.在‘Self Destructive’ 行动中爆头所有科学家
The Sound of One Hand Capping (一手遮天的声音)Complete ‘Got Your Back’ Operation with only a handgun.仅用手枪完成‘Got Your Back’行动
Working Vice (罪恶工作)Shoot 10 stacks of cocaine in ‘Hostile Takeover’ Operation.在‘Hostile Takeover’行动中射击10包可卡因
Making a Point (开个洞)Kill both bosses with head shots in ‘Hostile Takeover’ Operation.在‘Hostile Takeover’行动中将BOSS全部爆头
Enthusiasms (激情)Kill Torres with a melee attack in ‘Hostile Takeover’ Operation.在‘Hostile Takeover’行动中以近战干掉“Torres”
Test the Product (测试产品)Knife 10 stacks of cocaine in ‘Hostile Takeover’ Operation.在 ‘Hostile Takeover’ 行动中使用匕首戳10包可卡因
Been Around the Block (碰到这种困难)Complete all Operations on any difficulty.以任意难度完成“Operations”(行动)模式
Some Quality Time (一些有质量的时光)Complete all Time Trial missions on any difficulty.完成所有难度的“Time Trial”(计时)任务
Hostile Witness (对方证人)Survive to wave 13 in Hostiles mode.在“Hostiles”模式中挺过13波敌人的挑战
Blood and Guts (血液和内脏)Earn 3 stars in each Operation.每个“Operations”(行动)都获得3星的成绩
The Best of Times (黄金岁月)Earn 3 stars in each Time Trial mission.每个“Time Trial”(计时)任务都获得3星的成绩
Hostile Work Environment (不友善的工作环境)Earn 3 stars in each Hostiles mission.每个“Hostiles”任务都获得3星的成绩
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