时间:2015-08-31 15:53:56 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小四 热度: 14 次
#1Galactic Gardener (银河园丁)Collected all star seeds收集全部星种
#2Houston, we have a solution (休斯顿,我们有救了)Mission complete! You teleported a star seed home任务完成!你往家里传送了一颗星种
#3Energizer Buddy (能量专家)100 Crystals collected收集100个水晶
#4Green Fingers (绿手指)You have grown 50 star shoots.你培育了50棵星苗
#5Green Toes (绿脚趾)Bounced on 50 Spring leaves.在50个弹跳叶上弹跳过
#6Hang Time (灌篮高手)Spent total 30 min gliding滑行时间累积超过30分钟
#7Redcow Robot (红牛机器人)Freefall over 1000m and survive自由落体超过1000米并活下来
#8Underground, Overground! (地下,地上!)You have discovered all caves in the game.发现游戏中所有的洞穴
#9Brundle-meep (布伦德尔-咩) 1 TipsTeleport with a meep creature和咩星人一起传送过
#10Sheep dipper (绵羊杀手)Drowned 3 defenceless meep creatures. You monster!淹死三只无防御能力的咩星人。你个禽兽!
#11Gas Leak (漏气啦)Accumulated over 10 min airtime using rocket pack.使用火箭助推器在空中飞行累积超过10分钟
#12Triple Corkscrew (三剑齐发)Have 3 STAR SHOOTS growing at the same time让三棵星苗同时成长
#131CARU5 (伊卡洛斯) 1 TipsGlide under all the rock arches从所有岩石拱下飞过
#14What, no Zombies? (啥?没僵尸啊)Make it through your first night.顺利度过第一夜
#15Shaken, not stirred (要摇的不要用搅的) 1 TipsCatch and collect a falling leaf glider in mid-air.在空中抓住一片滑落的滑行叶
#16Come fly with me (带你装B带你飞)Take a Meep creature for a flight for at least 10 seconds.携带一只咩星人飞行至少10秒以上
#17Venus in furs (张毛的女神)Deliver a Meep creature to the jaws of the SNAPDRAGON plant.把一只咩星人送入食人花嘴里
#18iiiiiiiinnnnn one! (十环!)Make the Torro creature fall down the hole in the cave.把Torro生物扔进洞穴的孔中
#19Investment Account (投资帐户)Complete the Data Bank sub mission.完成数据库支线任务
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