时间:2014-11-05 17:08:13来源:k73电玩之家作者:小四热度:19次
Power Modules (力量)
Side Pack (侧包)
I. Allows an additional magazine of ammunition to be carried 多携带一个弹夹
II. Allows an additional grenade or explosive to be carried 多携带一个雷或者其他爆破武器
III. Allows additional attachment ammounition to be carried 可以多装备一个武器挂件
Weapon Pro (武器专家)
I. Faster weapon reloading 武器换弹夹速度加快
II. Faster aiming down sights 快速瞄准
III. Faster switching between weapons 快速切换武器
Aim Enhance (瞄准增强)
I. Decreases weapon recoil when aiming down sights 瞄准时减轻后坐力
II. Reduces aim shake from explosions 使用爆破武器时减轻晃动
III. Increases mobility when aiming down sights 瞄准时增加机动力(应该是指瞄准时角色移动速度加快)
Loadout Pro (挂载专家)
I. Allows an additional primary weapon to be carried in place of a secondary 可以带两把主武器
II. Removes the weight penalty from weapon attachments 武器挂件不会使机动性减弱
III. Increases mobility speed when carrying heavy weapons 携带重武器时移动速度加快
Rapid Fire (速射)
I. Faster fire rate on primary weapons 主武器射速加快
II. Faster fire rate on secondary weapons 副武器射速加快
III. Faster fire rate on mounted weapons 装载武器(地图上的机关炮等武器)射速加快
Point Fire Enhance (扫射增强)
I. Reduces the spread of primary weapons fire when shooting from the hip 主武器扫射(不瞄准)时减少散射
II. Reduces the spread of secondary weapons fire when shooting from the hip 副武器武器扫射(不瞄准)时减少散射
III. Reduces the spread of mounted weapons fire when shooting from the hip 装载武器扫射(不瞄准)时减少散射
Mobility Enhance (机动增强)
I. Reduced energy drain from sprinting and jumping 冲刺和跳跃时减少能量损耗
II. Increases ledge grab speed 攀爬速递提升
III. Faster firing after sprinting 冲刺后射速加快
Retriever (猎犬)
I. Automatically collect Dog Tags from killed enemies 杀死敌人后自动拾取狗牌
II. Support bonues require one less Dog Tag to activate 连杀发动条件-1
III. Support bonues remain active for longer 连杀奖励发动后,持续时间更长
Stealth Modules (潜行)
Stealth Enhance (潜行增强)
I. Faster transition in and out of Stealth mode 快速切换隐身
II. No shadow cast in Stealth mode 隐身后无影子
III. Reduces energy drain in Stealth mode 潜行消耗能量减少
Covert Ops (秘密行动)
I. Reduces the sound of footsteps 脚步声音减小
II. Provides protection from the Ceph Airstrike bonus 防御飞船攻击(应该是敌人飞船无法发现你)
III. Enemy footsteps are louder within range 范围内敌人脚步声增大
Cloak Transfer (隐形侦测)
I. Identifies when nearby enemies enter Stealth mode 提示附近进入潜行模式的敌人(1级基本无用)
II. Increase the visibilty of cloaked enemies 更容易看清隐身敌人
III. Maximum visibilty of cloaked enemies 非常容易看清隐身敌人
Jammer (扰乱)
I. Scrambles the radar of enemies within range 干扰范围内敌人雷达
II. Provides protection against enemy Radar Jammer attacks 敌军干扰雷达连杀奖励对你无效
III. Scrambles the Radar of enemies within an increased range 干扰更大范围内敌人雷达
Blind Spot (盲点)
I. Provides protection from enemy Maximum Radar bonus 雷达连杀奖励不会暴露你的位置
II. Provides protection from enemy tagging 无法被标点
III. Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision. 热能探测较难发现你
Tracker (寻路)
I. Highlights the footsteps of nearby enemies 显示附近敌人的脚印(1级貌似也没效果)
II. Highlights enemy routes with direction 显示敌人路线与方向
III. Highlights enemies routes with increased frequency 显示频率提高
Visor Enhance (视觉增强)
I. Highlights enemies through weapon scopes 瞄准敌人后自动标点(正式版好像是这意思)
II. Provides protection against flash bang grenades 闪雷对你无效
III. Reduces energy cost of Nano Vision 热能探测减少能量损耗
Armor Modules (护甲)
Air Stomp (震天锤)
I. Perform a powerful downward attack when in the air. 空中坠你攻击(个人感觉是找死技能)
II. No damage suffered from falling long distances 高空坠落无伤 (有用吗?没用吗?)
III. Faster recovery after Air Stomp attacks 震地发动硬直减少
Threat Tracer (危险感知)
I. Highlights incoming bullet paths 高亮子弹轨迹
II. Highlights incoming grenades 高亮飞来的手榴弹
III. Highlights nearby explosives 显示附件的爆破物
Proximity Alarm (接近报警)
I. Automatic audio warning when an enemy is nearby 敌人接近时自动提醒
II. Increased audio warning frequency when an enemy is nearby 敌人接近时自动提醒,且频率提高
III. Maximum audio warning frequency when an enemy is nearby 敌人接近时以最高频率提醒
Armor Enhance (护甲增强)
I. Reduces drain speed of energy in Armor mode 装甲模式下能量损耗减少
II. Increases movement speed in Armor mode 装甲模式下移动速度加快
III. Protects against the Nanosuit Jammer bonus 干扰纳米甲功能的连杀奖励对你无效
Nano Recharge (纳米回复)
I. Faster health recharge 生命回复速度加快
II. Faster suit energy recharge 护甲能量回复速度加快
III. Shorter delay before health starts recharging 被攻击后,生命值回复间隔缩短
Detonation Delay (延迟爆炸)
I. Delays the detonation of nearby enemy grenades 延迟附近的敌人手雷爆炸
II. Delays the detonation of enemy explosives 延迟敌人爆破物爆炸
III. Provides an automatic defense against missile attacks 自动防御导弹攻击
Energy Transfer (能量转移)
I. Restores Nanosuit energy with each kill 杀人后能量回复
II. Restores additional Nanosuit energy with each kill 杀人后能量回复,且回复值更大
III. Restores full Nanosuit energy with each kill 杀人后能量回满
