

孤岛惊魂4 1.1.0+1.2.0升级补丁更新介绍

时间:2014-11-16 19:44:39来源:k73电玩之家作者:小新热度:317


《孤岛惊魂4》游戏最近也是更新了多次补丁,当然最新的1.2.0补丁更新的内容大家也都很有兴趣知道,小编这里为大家简单的翻译说明。孤岛惊魂4 1.1.0+1.2.0升级补丁更新介绍

目前板上所谓的黄金版 ,虽然是patch过的 但缺少正确的游戏EXE档案,而且破解尚未完美 所以运行上仍然有bug

而S组所发布的 预估是零售光盘版的 所以里头才会有正确的游戏EXE档案,只不过是原版的EXE档案 没有patch过的,所以才会有画面阴影那些的问题

从补丁的讯息可以得知 ubi已经修复了不少错误 包含游戏画面和crash的问题,故得证S组的破解并没问题 有问题的是游戏本身,所以还是乖乖等到18日 等国外破解组的升级档吧

因此下了S组的人可别太急的删喔 等游戏的升级档就可解决了

Ubisoft Entertainment
Far Cry® 4 v1.2.0
########################################################################### #####

Added ability to change FOV scaling.
Added nVidia GeForce Experience support.
Fixed various controls issues
Fixed various Graphic issues
Fixed various IGE issues
Fixed various Multi-GPU issues
Fixed various Multi-Monitor issues
Fixed various UI issues
Playing a map from Map Browser two times now don’t trigger an Error.
Skills, Crafting and Progress Menu now cannot be accessed while playing a created map.

########################################################################### #####
Ubisoft Entertainment
Far Cry® 4 v1.1.0
########################################################################### #####

Fixed crash in IGE.
Fixed an issue with incorrect characters in map naming.
Fixed screen tearing when performing a handgun takedown.
Fixed various controls issues
Fixed various Graphic issues
Fixed various IGE issues
Fixed various localization issues
Fixed various Multi-GPU issues
Fixed various Multi-Monitor issues
Fixed various multiplayer issues
Fixed various sound issues
Fixed various UI issues
Fixed various Uplay Actions issues
Fixed various Uplay Rewards issues
Saved maps from IGE and Downloaded now can be opened in the Editor from in-game.
Skills, Crafting and Progress Menu now cannot be accessed in Arena.
The game now boot if the game folder name contains Cyrillic characters.
The game now boot on Korean localization.


《旺达与巨像重制版》试玩图文评测 良心重制作品

《刺客信条起源》图文评测 值得购买

ps4存档修改器来临 3月发售预定!


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