时间:2015-03-09 17:27:53 来源:k73电玩之家 作者:小新 热度: 42 次
#1TROPHY ADDICT (奖杯癖)Unlock all Trophies解锁全部奖杯
#21-800-CLEAREDFinish the game完成游戏
#31-800-GETHELPFinish the game on hard mode以困难难度(hard mode)完成游戏
#41-800-GODDAMNGet A+ on all levels on normal |
#13DON'T LET ANGER GET THE BEST OF YOUClear all of the Writer's levels without killing |
#29COMBO GODPerform a 20x combo达成20连击。
#5NUCLEAR WASTEThey won't reach the Nuclear Throne |
#14EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!Get the big picture |
#15A BOX FULL OF SHARP OBJECTSUse every weapon in the game at least once |
#18GENOCIDE (赶尽杀绝)Kill 50,000 enemies杀死50,000名敌人
#21ASSASSIN'S CREDClear the 1st floor of NO MERCY with the silencer |
#22DEAD SILENTFinish SUBWAY without the Gang Leader seeing you |
#23I'M COMING IN AND I'M UNARMED!Finish HOMICIDE without using guns |
#28COMBO MASTERPerform a 15x combo达成15连击。
#6FANTASTIC!Unlock all the Fans |
#7THESE ARE MY RIFLES, THESE ARE MY GUNS...Unlock all weapons for the Soldier |
#8SNAKE CHARMERUnlock all snake masks |
#9WHAT YOU LEAVE FOR YOUR SONSUnlock all of the Son's techniques |
#10FANATICClear a level with each Fan |
#11FAMILY BUSINESSClear a level with each of the Son's techniques |
#12SNAKES ON A HEADClear a level with each snake mask |
#16PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCEDestroy 100 electronic devices |
#17KARMA (因果报应)Die 1000 times死亡1000次
#19GOT YOUR BACKShoot two enemies during a chainsaw finish |
#20FOLLOW THE SCRIPTDo as the Director says! |
#25THE BAR OF BROKEN HEROESMeet up with the Biker |
#26COMBO BEGINNERPerform a 5x combo达成5连击。
#27COMBO INTERMEDIATEPerform a 10x combo达成10连击。
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