时间:2014-09-28 21:44:57来源:电玩巴士作者:小四热度:54次
英文 |
中文 |
成就分数 |
Slaughter atAcre |
阿里克屠杀 |
5G |
Fight against the prisoner at Acre |
对抗Acre的囚犯 |
Abandon All Hope |
放弃所有希望 |
15G |
Break through the Gates of Hell |
突破地狱之门 |
Sentence the Judge |
处决最高审判者 |
25G |
Defeat King Minos |
击败King Minos |
Lovers Torn Asunder |
Torn Asunder的爱人 |
25G |
Defeat Marc Antony |
击败Marc Antony |
The Great Worm |
幼虫之门 |
25G |
Defeat Cerberus |
击败Cerberus |
Like Father Like Son |
有其父必有其子 |
25G |
Defeat Alighiero |
击败Alighiero |
Gates of Dis |
阴间之门 |
35G |
Enter the lower circles of The Inferno |
进入the lower circles of The Inferno |
The Harrowing |
痛心的 |
35G |
Escape Heresy |
让异教徒逃跑 |
Brotherhood |
手足情谊 |
40G |
Defeat Francesco |
击败Francesco |
Bitter Sweet |
苦涩的糖 |
50G |
Save Beatrice |
解救Beatrice |
Lucifer's Match |
路西法的配对 |
100G |
Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm |
击败the Emperor of the Woeful Realm |
Precious |
宝贵的 |
10G |
Find a Beatrice stone |
寻找1个Beatrice的石头 |
Power of the Cross |
十字架的力量 |
20G |
Find all 3 Beatrice stones |
寻找3个Beatrice的石头 |
Footsteps of a Traitor |
背叛者的脚印 |
10G |
Find 10 pieces of silver |
寻找10个银的碎片 |
Betrayed with a Kiss |
一个吻的出卖 |
10G |
Find 20 pieces of silver |
寻找20个银的碎片 |
Well Done, Judas |
做得不错,犹大 |
20G |
Find All 30 pieces of silver |
寻找30个银的碎片 |
Relic Hunter |
文物猎人 |
10G |
Find a relic |
寻找一个文物 |
Light Relics |
光的文物 |
20G |
Find all Holy relics |
寻找所有的Holy文物 |
Dark Relics |
黑暗文物 |
20G |
Find all Unholy relics |
寻找所有的Unholy文物 |
Forbidden Love |
禁忌之恋 |
20G |
Find and absolve both Francesca da Polenta and Paolo Malatesta |
寻找并救赎Francesca da Polenta 和 Paolo Malatesta |
Old Friend |
老友记 |
20G |
Find and absolve Brunetto Latini |
寻找并救赎Brunetto Latini |
The Damned |
50G |
Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno |
惩罚或者救赎27个The Inferno的shades |
The Guide |
领路人 |
40G |
Collect all Virgil commentaries |
收集所有Virgil的注释 |
Soul Reaper |
灵魂收割者 |
50G |
Collect 60,000 Souls |
收集60,000个灵魂 |
Burning Eyes |
燃烧的眼睛 |
10G |
Send Charon back into the abyss |
将Charon遣送回深渊 |
Warming Up |
热身 |
10G |
Perform a 50 hit combo |
50连击 |
Masterpiece |
杰作 |
10G |
Perform a 200 hit combo |
200连击 |
Poetry in Motion |
在兴奋中作诗 |
20G |
Perform a 666 hit combo |
666连击 |
Holy Warrior |
神圣的战士 |
10G |
Kill 30 Minions |
杀死30个奴才 |
Demon Slayer |
魔鬼杀手 |
10G |
Kill 30 Demons |
杀死30个魔鬼 |
Bad Nanny |
坏保姆 |
10G |
Kill 20 Unbaptized Babies |
杀死20个未接受洗礼的婴儿 |
Indigestion |
消化不良 |
10G |
Kill 5 Gluttons |
杀死5个暴食者 |
Confessional |
忏悔室 |
10G |
Kill 5 Heretics |
杀死5个异教徒 |
Countermeasures |
对策 |
10G |
Kill 20 enemies using a counter move |
用counter move杀死20个敌人 |
Superstition |
迷信 |
10G |
Kill 20 enemies using magic |
用魔法杀死20个敌人 |
Give Me Strength |
给我力量 |
10G |
Open 20 Health fountains |
开启20个Health 喷泉 |
Sorcerer's Apprentice |
魔术师学徒 |
10G |
Open 20 Mana fountains |
开启20个Mana 喷泉 |
Light in the Dark |
黑暗中的光 |
30G |
Reach Holy Level 7 |
达到Holy第七级 |
Death's Apprentice |
死神的学徒 |
30G |
Reach Unholy Level 7 |
达到Unholy第七级 |
Holy Man |
神圣之男 |
30G |
Max out the Holy path |
在Holy path获得最高分 |
Man of Evil |
罪恶之男 |
30G |
Max out the Unholy path |
在Unholy path获得最高分 |
Gates of Hell |
地狱之门 |
60G |
Defeat all enemy waves in the Gates of Hell Arena |
击败所有在地狱竞技场大门处的敌人 |