


时间:2014-10-27 16:02:55来源:k73电玩之家作者:zhen热度:8





好声音全成就一览 Warming up... 15 G
Completed all "Warm-up" exercises with the Vocal Coach
好声音全成就一览 Mastering the basics... 15 G
Completed all "Basic " exercises with the Vocal Coach
好声音全成就一览 Working on technique 15 G
Completed all "Advanced " exercises with the Vocal Coach
好声音全成就一览 Polishing my vocals 15 G
Completed all "Expert" exercises with the Vocal Coach
好声音全成就一览 Practice makes perfect! 30 G
Completed all exercises with the Vocal Coach
好声音全成就一览 The first of many... 20 G
Completed your first song
好声音全成就一览 Impressive back catalogue 40 G
Played and completed every song
好声音全成就一览 Double trouble 20 G
Completed a two-player duet
好声音全成就一览 And so it begins... 20 G
Played Season for the first time
好声音全成就一览 In this together! 20 G
Started a Season in Duet mode
好声音全成就一览 Party time! 20 G
Played a song in Voice Party
好声音全成就一览 Double knockout 25 G
Won both Battle Rounds in Season
好声音全成就一览 By the skin of your teeth... 20 G
Got your only "I Want You" in the last three pages of a song
好声音全成就一览 Coach Full House! 30 G
Had all four coaches "I Want You" on four separate occasions
好声音全成就一览 Five in the bag 15 G
Completed five coach challenges
好声音全成就一览 Ten in the bag 30 G
Completed ten coach challenges
好声音全成就一览 Challenge master 40 G
Completed all sixteen coach challenges
好声音全成就一览 Promising Vocalist 15 G
Completed five unique songs with more than 90% average technique
好声音全成就一览 Silver Vocalist 20 G
Completed ten unique songs with more than 90% average technique
好声音全成就一览 Gold Vocalist 30G
Completed fifteen unique songs with more than 90% average technique
好声音全成就一览 Diamond Vocalist 40 G
Completed twenty unique songs with more than 90% average technique
好声音全成就一览 All you need is one! 20 G
Progressed from the Blind Auditions with one coach turn
好声音全成就一览 Clean Sweep! 30 G
Progressed from the Blind Auditions with all four coaches turned
好声音全成就一览 Each step at a time 25 G
Won and progressed from the first Battle Round in Season
好声音全成就一览 Down but not out! 20 G
Progressed from the first Battle Round in Season with a Steal
好声音全成就一览 Decisions decisions 20 G
Chose a new coach after receiving two or three Steals after one performance
好声音全成就一览 Made the Playoffs! 25 G
Progressed from the second Battle Round in Season
好声音全成就一览 Someone still likes you! 20 G
Progressed from the second Battle Round with a Coach Steal
好声音全成就一览 Scraping it through... 20 G
Made it to the Live Playoffs in Season after two Coach Steals
好声音全成就一览 Getting serious now! 30 G
Progressed to the Final 12 in Season by being in your coach's final three
好声音全成就一览 Crowd favorite 25 G
Got the public vote for the first time and progressed to the Quarter-Finals
好声音全成就一览 Almost there... 40 G
Progressed to the Semi-Finals in Season
好声音全成就一览 You made it! 40 G
Made it to the Final of The Voice in Season
好声音全成就一览 You are The Voice! 50 G
Won The Voice
好声音全成就一览 There's always next season... 10 G
Got eliminated from The Voice in Season
好声音全成就一览 Double Champion! 60 G
Won The Voice with two different coaches
好声音全成就一览 Quadruple Champion! 70 G
Won The Voice with four different coaches


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